What is the default hierarchy for categories?

When you first install the app, the menu with the main-menu handle is considered the default menu. Breadcrumbs are created based on the hierarchy within this menu. If you wish to define a hierarchy based on a different menu, follow these steps:

1 Default Menu Hierarchy

Identifying Default Menu:

    • The menu with the main-menu handle, present when you first install the app, is automatically set as the default menu.

Breadcrumbs Hierarchy:

    • When creating breadcrumbs, the app considers the hierarchy within this default menu to determine the structure.

2 Customizing Hierarchy with a Different Menu

Accessing App Dashboard:

    • Log in to your Shopify admin panel and navigate to the Breadcrumbs App section.

Selecting a Menu:

  • Click on the “Select a Menu” button within the app’s dashboard.

Choose Alternative Menu:

  • From the menu selection screen, choose a different menu to establish the hierarchy for breadcrumb creation.

3 Updating Hierarchy

Confirming Changes:

  • Confirm your menu selection, and the app will now consider the hierarchy within the chosen menu when creating breadcrumbs.

Breadcrumbs Reflecting Changes:

  • The breadcrumb trail will be updated to reflect the hierarchy of the newly selected menu.

Now you have successfully customized the hierarchy for category breadcrumbs using a different menu. If you encounter any issues or have questions, feel free to contact our support team at [support@byte-apps.com]. Explore the documentation for more details on advanced configuration options and customization features.

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