How to cancel the subscription?

If you need to cancel your subscription for the Breadcrumbs App, follow these steps:

1 Accessing Subscription Management

Log in to Shopify:

  • Access your Shopify admin panel using your credentials.

Navigate to the App Dashboard:

  • Go to the Breadcrumbs App section.

2 Accessing Subscription Details

Access Subscription Settings:

  • Look for the “Subscription” or “Billing” section on the app’s Dashboard.

View Subscription Details:

  • Click on “Subscription” or a similar option to view details of your current subscription.

3 Cancelling the Subscription

Cancel Subscription:

  • Locate the “Cancel” or “Unsubscribe” option within the subscription details.


  • Confirm the cancellation when prompted. Some apps might require additional confirmation steps.

4 Confirmation Email

Check Your Email:

  • After canceling, check your email for a confirmation message regarding the cancellation.

5 Verify Cancellation

Verify in Shopify:

  • Log in to Shopify and verify that the Breadcrumbs App subscription is canceled.

6 Billing Adjustments

Billing Adjustments:

  • Any billing adjustments for the canceled subscription will be reflected in your next Shopify invoice.

7 Additional Support

Contact Support (if needed):

  • If you encounter any issues or have questions regarding the cancellation process, reach out to our support team at [].

Congratulations! You have successfully canceled your subscription for the Breadcrumbs App. If you decide to re-subscribe or have any questions, feel free to contact our support team for assistance. Explore the documentation for more information on app features and usage.

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