How to purchase the app subscription for Shopify?

1 Selecting a Plan

After installing the Breadcrumbs App, follow these steps to choose a subscription plan:

Access the App Dashboard:

  • Log in to your Shopify admin panel.
  • Navigate to the Breadcrumbs App section.

Select Your Plan:

  • On the app’s Dashboard, locate the “Pricing” section.
  • Choose a plan that suits your needs, considering the features and limitations of each plan.

Start Free Trial (if applicable):

  • If the selected plan offers a free trial, click on the “Start Free Trial” button.

2 Trial Period and Billing

Trial Period:

  • Enjoy a 7-day trial period to explore the app’s features without immediate charges.

Billing Process:

  • After the trial period, your billing cycle will begin, and charges for the app subscription will be reflected on your Shopify invoice.

Shopify Invoice:

  • The billing for the Breadcrumbs App will be integrated into your regular Shopify invoice.

3 Managing Subscriptions

Subscription Management:

  • To manage your subscription, including upgrading, downgrading, or canceling, visit the Plan section on the app’s Dashboard.

Billing Inquiries:

  • If you have any billing-related inquiries or concerns, contact our support team at [].

4 Upgrading or Downgrading

Changing Plans:

  • If your business needs change, you can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time from the app’s Dashboard.

Immediate Changes:

  • Changes to your subscription plan will take effect immediately, and the billing will be adjusted accordingly.

Congratulations! You have successfully selected a subscription plan for the Breadcrumbs App. If you have any questions about billing or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team. Continue exploring the documentation for more details on customization and advanced features.

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